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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
We hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday. We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school on Wednesday 4th September.
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An email from so many in our ' Silent Majority ' ...

20th Jul 2021

We cannot thank you enough for your lovely gifts , cards and messages of support especially at these challenging times when we have had to make so many difficult decisions. I have had permission to share this email with you from one of our parents who has had two children through our school ( 7 years each over their time here ) so he should know what he's talking about as the vast majority of you do too ! So once again thank you all for staying positive and truly supportive of your school.

" Dear Mr McDowell and Team,

I realise you’ll all be snowed under with work right now, so I’ll try and keep this short.

I just wanted to say how grateful I am for everything you’ve done for Sonny and Luca during their time at Davyhulme Primary School. Whatever they go on to achieve in life, both personally and professionally, will always be deep-rooted in their time at the school.

I especially want to thank you for everything you’ve done over the last couple of years during the pandemic. I appreciate how difficult it has been for you all, and know the additional workload, pressure and responsibility you’ve had to shoulder has been immense. Away from those who shout loudest on social media, I hope I speak for most parents/the silent majority in saying we’ll be forever grateful for the safety and care you have bestowed on our children in the most difficult of circumstances. It is testament to all you have done that there is nowhere I would rather Luca have spent these last 18 months than at DPS.

Please pass on my heartfelt thanks to everyone at the school who has contributed to their education and pastoral care over the last eight years.

Hopefully when we return to something close to normality, I can show my gratitude in a more meaningful way than just an email; but in the meantime, I hope you can all enjoy a large part of the summer holidays and are afforded the opportunity to properly relax and recharge ahead of next term. It is very much deserved.

You’re ALL Early Years (and KS1 & KS2) Superheroes!

Kind regards,

Mark Bryce "