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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
We hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday. We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school on Wednesday 4th September.
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Anti-Bullying Week: One Kind Word

15th Nov 2021

Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated In England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and takes place from 15 to 19 November 2021 and it has the theme One Kind Word. The week will begin with Odd Socks Day which is supported by CBBC and CBeebies star Andy Day and his band Andy and the Odd Socks.


Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week taking place from 15 to 19 of November 2021.