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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
SATS WEEK FOR Y2 and Y6 - Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May - Goodluck Everyone ! Please make sure that all pupils go to bed in good time and that iPads, gaming devices and iphones are not used at bedtime as they may interfere with sleep patterns. Please make sure that all pupils come to school in good time and that appointments are made for another time in a different week.
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Author Visit

5th Mar 2020

Today, we welcomed the fantastic author, Liz Kessler, to our school. We were also joined by some pupils from three local primary schools. Year 5 and Year 6 pupils enjoyed listening to Liz talk about her life as an author. She shared lots of funny stories with us  which we all enjoyed listening to. Liz talked to us about her writing journey. As a child, she used to love writing stories and poems and she showed us a note book of poems that she had written when she was only 8 years old. Liz was very inspirational and we hope that her visit will encourage our children to value the importance of reading. It may also inspire some of our pupils who love writing to become an author themselves in the future. Thank you once again to Urmston Bookshop for organising this event.