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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
A Brilliant Day Was Had by All ( Everyone in KS2) Today For Our ‘ Slip and Slide ‘ Activity Day ! Special thanks to Coach Chris from our partners at Sports Hub for organising it and our children for making his last day so memorable.
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Cross Country Success for Davyhulme

20th Jan 2024

It was a cold morning this morning but that didn’t stop our intrepid runners who braved the icy and water to run for our school. They showed that running isn’t just an individual sport, but a team sport as well. I didn’t quite manage to get the entire team in the photo because of the traffic outside of the stadium. But thank you to all of those who gave up their morning and did our school proud.  

A special well done to those children who earned an individual medal, or a team medal in the races. A shout out to Eliza for coming 1st and taking home an individual gold (and a team gold!). Thank you as well to Scarlett who was feeling completely under the weather but didn’t want to let the team down. 

Thank you to all the parents for giving up your morning and supporting our school. 

Have a lovely weekend everybody. 

PS. Thank you to Mrs Hounslow for her invaluable help adding up the scores!