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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme


2020/2021 School Year

9th Dec 2020
One of our families has donated this wonderful Percy Pig and treats to be used to...
6th Dec 2020
Every year many of our children enter a local art competition sponsored by opticians...
6th Dec 2020
Every day we will continue to have a special Advent assembly with a different Learning...
3rd Dec 2020
We have been partners with Wood Street Mission for a number of years now and although...
11th Nov 2020
The Whole school observed two minutes silence today at 11am - The Nursery , Reception...
11th Nov 2020
Sincere thank yous to all parents , carers and staff members for your kind messages...
11th Nov 2020
What better way to ‘ go on living ‘ than to be able to celebrate the...
2nd Nov 2020
We have continued to produce wonderful displays to inspire our children to enhancing...
19th Oct 2020
Our submission for the local Scarecrow Walk. They can easily be seen from the...