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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
School Reopens for Spring Term Monday 6th January 2025
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Fabulous Friday French!

11th Mar 2018

vendredi 9 fevrier


First, we answered the register in French, for example, “Bonjour Lara” and “Bonjour Madame”.  Then we did a French activity where you had to guess the month of the year and how to spell it, followed by making up your own.  After that we watched a slide show about the French chateau at Versailles and listened to an authentic French song ‘Cezanne Peint’.

Next, we moved on to the French date, which was vendredi 9 fevrier and we sang happy birthday (in French) to Mia and Charlie.  We performed the traditional French finger rhyme ‘Les Saisons’, followed by someone reading the authentic French storybook ‘Ah Loup!’, which will also be put on the school blog.  

Later, we practised how to tell the time when it is half-past, for example, Il est dix heures et demie (it is half-past ten).  We then practised in our pairs, questioning each other using a small clock to help us.  Later on, we learnt how to use the conjunction mais to make our sentences longer.  Finally, we went through our learning challenges and put up a coloured card to tell Madame Underwood how we felt.


Blogged by Lara (6A)


vendredi 9 fevrier 2018


First, some children read the answers to different word problems: in this case the answers were all months of the year (les mois) in French.  Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 were all set questions and number 5 was our own question.  Then, we read our learning challenges (Les Defis Savoirs) - today we had four challenges. 

After that, we said the date for today, yesterday and tomorrow in French.  Next, since it was Lara’s birthday over the holidays, we sang happy birthday to her in French.  Then, we had five girls perform the authentic French finger rhyme ‘Les Saisons’ and everyone was recorded.  We revised the time in French, asking each other “Quelle heure est-il?”  Showing a clock with a specific time on, Inaya and Kady started us off.  Emma and her partner did the same as did Josh and Lara.  Following that, we rhymed animals with cities and used the conjunction, but (mais).  Finally, we used traffic light cards to see how people did with the learning challenges.


Blogged by Kristian (6B)


vendredi 9 fevrier 2018


In today’s French lesson we started by answering the register in French and then we completed an activity whereby we had to guess the month and how to spell it in French.  After that, we watched a slide show and listened to a French song ‘Cezanne Peint’ by the French singer ‘France Gall’.  Next, we asked each other questions, followed by saying the date in French.  We sang happy birthday to two of our peers in French. 

We then performed a traditional French finger rhyme and someone read the authentic French storybook ‘Au Loup!’ to the rest of the class.  We practised the time on the half-hour in French, for example, Il est minuit et demi (it is half-past midnight).  We then revised the question Ou va…?  Finally, we went through our learning challenges.


Blogged by Harrison (6A)


vendredi 9 fevrier 2018


We started the lesson by looking at our questions that we answered this morning.  They were about the months of the year in French (les mois).  We then looked at our learning challenges (Les Defis Savoirs).  After that, Theo told us what the date was today in French.  Krish then told us what the date was for tomorrow in French and Rehan then told us what the date was for yesterday in French.  We sang happy birthday to Lara in French.  Emma, Kady, Jasmyn, Lara and Ava were recorded performing the traditional French finger rhyme ‘Les Saisons’ (the seasons).  

Next, we asked each other what the time was in French (quelle heure est-il?).  Kady and Inaya then asked each other what the time was.  They did very well.  Emma and her partner did the same as Kady and Inaya and Lara and Josh did the same. They all did very well!  We then looked at a new conjunction, but (mais) using different French cities in our sentences.  At the end of our lesson we used our traffic light cards to see how our learning had gone.  I enjoy French lessons because we have the best French teacher in the world!


Blogged by Haris Azam (6B)