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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
We hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday. We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school on Wednesday 4th September.
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Happy Birthday Davyhulme Primary

1st May 2024

Today, Davyhulme Primary School turned 84 having been opened on 1st May 1940 and was known as 'Davyhulme Junior and Infants' School'. The original building was designed by Thomas Worthington and Francis Jones with construction starting in 1938.

The school had two Infant classrooms, four Junior classrooms, and a 'babies' room. During the war years, the Headteacher, Mr. Edgar Shaw, and his staff of 'assistant teachers' had to contend with air raids, large class sizes, coal shortages, 'fire-watching' duty each night, and everything else the Second World War had to offer. By 1950 the local population had increased to the point where an Infant School needed to be built next to the Juniors (originally, this land was planned to be used for a senior school). 

PS. ‘ Historical coincidence ‘ - The current head teacher , Mr McDowell , took up his post on 1st May 2000…24 years ago ! He will be retiring on 31st July 2024 but not before ‘ passing on the torch ‘ to the very capable hands of Miss Brookes who will officially take up her position on 1st September 2024.

Happy Birthday Davyhulme!