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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
A Brilliant Day Was Had by All ( Everyone in KS2) Today For Our ‘ Slip and Slide ‘ Activity Day ! Special thanks to Coach Chris from our partners at Sports Hub for organising it and our children for making his last day so memorable.
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Jodrell Bank trip - Monday 2nd October

27th Sep 2017

Year 3 will be visiting Jodrell Bank on Monday 2nd October. The trip will take place during normal school hours, so please drop your child off as usual in the morning.

We are all very excited about this trip, and have been learning lots about space exploration and astronauts to prepare. There are a few important things to remember so we are all ready to enjoy the day as much as possible:

All children will need to wear their PE kits to school and bring a waterproof coat with a hood, as we will be spending some of the day outside.

Please can children bring in a packed lunch in a plastic bag with their name written on it clearly. We will be throwing our rubbish away so everything in the lunch should be disposable, including water bottles.

As Miss Burns and Miss Mellowes will be bringing their iPads to take photos of the trip, there is no need for children to bring cameras or any other electronic devices with us.

Unfortunately, we will not have time to visit the shop, so the children do not need to bring any money in either.

Thank you for your support, and we hope to add some photos to the website and SeeSaw after the trip so you can see everything we got up to!

The Year 3 team