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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
We hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday. We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to school on Wednesday 4th September.
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Saying Goodbye To Our Y6 Cohort of 2020

19th Jul 2020

We said goodbye to our Y6 Cohort over two separate sessions because of the current restrictions . Mr McDowell made a short speech to the children with the last one being made on Friday before some of the children received awards for a variety of areas some academic some not .

” Sorry seems to be hardest word ...” These we’re the words from a song by someone you won’t know but perhaps your parents or grand parents will ? We are sorry that COVID19 has robbed you of so much this year , we are sorry that you missed out on your last sports day , we are sorry that you missed out on your last performance on the stage in front of your parents and grandparents  , we are sorry that you missed your last residential to Robinwood ...For all of these things we are truly sorry that your year group will be remembered as the year group that missed out on so much . 

You will also be remembered by all of us here as a very unique year group who have come through this year still smiling and all very healthy along with your families . You have had many successes this year in cross country at Longford Park , football for our girls’ teams and boys’ teams , competing hard in our netball team , getting to the final of the indoor athletics competition in Trafford , getting to the swimming gala finals for Trafford and winning the Skittleball competition for a record seventh year running. When I first came to Davyhulme we had not won that competition for a number of years and now look at us - we have won it so many times that I have had to buy our very own trophy to put all of our winning plaques on !

How many primary schools can say that 100% of their Y6 cohort can all swim at least 50m distance as all of you can , many of you can swim far more that that distance so what a brilliant achievement that is . Many of you have other major achievements - such as those of you who have been successful in going to the school of your choice next year.

In all of these achievements you will have been supported by your families who have cared for you , loved you and helped you through the challenges of COVID19 . Your parents have supported our PTA over the years and indeed during these past few weeks by organising special treats for you. I would like to thank your parents for that support over the years and for the PTA who have provided each of you with a Leavers’ T shirt and for buying the ‘ Star ‘ trophies for our end of year awards.

It has been a memorable year and one we will not easily forget you all but would like to wish you all the very best as you go forward and remind you that all you can ever do in this life is to work hard and try your very best as you continue ‘ reaching for the stars !  If you adopt this approach to whatever challenges lie ahead then you will not go too far wrong ‘

                     Good luck and best wishes in all of your future endeavours .

                                                                                                             Mr P McDowell