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Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme
A Brilliant Day Was Had by All ( Everyone in KS2) Today For Our ‘ Slip and Slide ‘ Activity Day ! Special thanks to Coach Chris from our partners at Sports Hub for organising it and our children for making his last day so memorable.
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At DPS self-esteem is at the heart of our Mission Statement and ethos. It has been stated in the recent past that we will try our very best to help children achieve their very best and this is reflected in our reward system which encourages both effort and achievement. We have not let go of these sentiments, but we have simplified them to a phrase which we believe will be easily understood by even our youngest child. So at Davyhulme Primary School we are all : “REACHING FOR THE STARS !”

  • Reward Assemblies : We hope that every person in school feels valued for their contribution to our school community. On Monday mornings Mr McDowell invites parents and staff to a ‘Celebration Assembly’ in the infant hall where children are thanked for their positive contribution to our community. Features of this assembly  include :

    *Children sharing their 'Teddy Bear Experience ' for the weekend by standing up proud and speaking aloud .
    *Oscar the owl being awarded to the class with the most’smileycards’.
    *Children being awarded ' Value Cards ' for displaying this month's value in act or gesture .                           *Team colours being awarded points towards a half-termly total.



On Thursday afternoons we have a ‘Good Work Assembly’ in the junior hall which is also hosted by Mr McDowell . Appreciation is expressed regularly in this assembly, where children and even staff and parents are thanked for their efforts, support or achievements in a variety of fields. We celebrate all types of achievement both in and out of school.

 Individuals, groups and whole classes have the opportunity to show their ‘good work’ – written work, models, dance, music or art etc.. From time to time, special guests are welcomed to this assembly 

Class and individual awards are given during this assembly:

  • The Owl Award – for personal effort, politeness, achievement, etc.
  • The Sports Award – for any particularly good work or effort in P.E.
  • The Maths award -

Team Points Trophy – awarded to the team with the most points that week.

Head Teacher Award – given to selected children at lunchtime for a variety of reasons.

Attendance Trophy – awarded to the class with the best attendance that week.