Access Keys:

Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme


November 2023 January 2024
Saturday, 2nd December 2023
PTA Christmas Fair (12pm - 3pm )
Monday, 4th December 2023
Cross Country Training (3.15- 4.15)
Tuesday, 5th December 2023
NSPCC Coffee Morning (8.30am in the Infant Hall )
Tactile Art Club (3.15pm - 4.15pm )
Monday, 11th December 2023
Reception Nativity Performance
Tuesday, 12th December 2023
Nursery Christmas Around The Tree (2.45pm)
Year 2 Nativity Performance
Reception Nativity Performance (10am)
Key Stage 1 Trip to Christ Church (9.05am departure)
Wednesday, 13th December 2023
Nursery 'Christmas Around the Tree' (11am)
Year 2 Nativity Performance
Thursday, 14th December 2023
Christmas Dinner (12.00pm)
Christmas Jumper Day
Friday, 15th December 2023
School Closes for Christmas Holiday (3.15pm )