Access Keys:

Davyhulme Primary School, Davyhulme


September 2017 November 2017
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Sun 1

Mon 2
Book Bus! (Infants)
Year 3's Trip to Jodrell Bank (9am- 3:15pm (Games Kits required))
Tue 3
Book Bus! (Juniors)
NSPCC Parents' workshop (2pm- 3pm in the Junior Hall )
Netball Club (Years 5 & 6) (3.15-4.15 (PE kits required))
Lego Club Years 3&4 (3:15- 4:30)
Wed 4
Film Club Years 3-6 (3.15-4.15)
Thu 5
'Wear Your Pants Day' NSPCC
Cross Country Practice Years 5&6 (PE kits & a change of socks)
Fri 6
Year 6 'Bikeability'
Sat 7

Sun 8

Mon 9

Tue 10
Netball Team Match (No Netball Practice) (4pm-5pm George H Carnell )
Wed 11
Harvest Festival Year 3 Parents (2:15pm)
Thu 12
A Team Football (4pm)
Cross Country Practice Years 5&6 (PE kits & a change of socks)
Fri 13

Sat 14

Sun 15

Mon 16

Tue 17
Parents' Evening (3:30pm - 6:30pm)
No Netball Club This week due to Parents' Evening
Wed 18
Parents' Evening (3:30pm - 6:30pm)
No Film Club today due to Parents' Evening
Thu 19
Cross Country Practice Years 5&6 (PE kits & a change of socks)
Halloween Disco (Years 3-6) (Junior Hall- 6:30pm - 8:00pm)
Halloween Disco Key Stage 1 (Junior Hall 3.45pm- 5.15pm)
Fri 20
School Finishes for Half Term (3:15pm)
Sat 21

Sun 22

Mon 23

Tue 24

Wed 25

Thu 26

Fri 27

Sat 28

Sun 29

Mon 30
School Starts (8:50am )
Tue 31
Individual School Photographs